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For 25 years has been helping people achieve their content management goals. As one of the largest and most experienced Plone and Python developers in Germany, we understand your needs and look at your concerns from a long-term perspective.
If you want to process data profitably while focusing on your target groups and in an accessible manner in accordance with the latest laws, working with our experts will lead to the right solution.
The Syslab Approach
Access to emerging software products, leading market intelligence and the benefits of global reach through open source technologies.
OiRA Cloud Pro
Effective online interactive risk assessment. Risk assessment, risk management, protective measures. Operational instruction management and qualification planning. Documentation and evaluation.
Quaive Cloud Pro
Social collaboration technologies for modern workspaces, virtual expert teams, efficient communication and coordination. Sustainable knowledge management, centrally controlled workflows, procedures and documents.
Enterprise Scripting
Custom system integration programming, scripts and reports for operational excellence in management and corporate control. Networked software, flexible structures, focused processes.
Quaive cloud pro
Our Quaive software experts offer you assistance in the environment of increasingly complex corporate structures and a multitude of different systems, processes and tools. They identify software solutions with you that support you in building intelligent, digital networks, dismantling information silos and improving the flow of information across company boundaries. Integrating business partners into your processes and supporting cooperation between business areas, partners and customers.
Customer Trust
We are pleased to offer our customers simple, convenient digital support. Whether it be for objective advice, concept development, roll-out, release and deployment management or for the user help desk. All of our content management solutions are perfectly tailored to our customers. While the personal relationship is central, we use code wherever we see opportunities to improve the user experience of our software for our customers.

OIRA cloud pro
We’ll help you. has been a premium software partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) since 2006. We help policy makers at EU and national level, small and medium-sized companies and also corporations, professionals and researchers in the field of occupational safety and health. Our commitment is to promote a culture of risk prevention to improve working conditions through unconditional, easy-to-use and GDPR compliant cloud software.
Risk-free workplaces with OiRA: Let’s talk facts
- As of March 2023, OiRA provides almost 330 sectoral tools in different EU languages.
- From agriculture to social services, road transport and performance-related industries, more than 50 OiRA tools are currently under development thanks to the national OiRA partners.
- Two new OiRA tools have recently been released by the Portuguese Working Conditions Authority to help taxi drivers and beauticians assess and manage work-related risks.
- With 174,800 registered users and more than 291,000 risk assessments, OiRA has become a preferred risk assessment tool for EU companies.
Learn more about OiRA and see all the tools available in your language or industry.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSH), Brüssel
OiRA High Level Conference – November 05, 2022
Insights into the process of risk assessment (RA) with OiRA– Qualitative study
About the study
Purpose of the study: To better understand the factors associated with systematic management of risks among MSEs supported by OiRA / online tools or opting for other approaches.
Key question: How is OiRA used and how its application differs from other approaches? What can be strengthened?
Specific questions:
- What motivates MSEs to carry out RA?
- What are the obstacles to systematic RA?
- How do MSEs find and choose specific RA approaches?
- How is OiRA used? What other approaches are used and how?
- What is appreciated in selected RA approaches?
- How are employees involved in RA?
- What could be improved?
Methodology: Qualitative in-depth study with focus on primary data collection (semi-structured interviews).
Sample: 40 interviews from sectors where French OiRA is available.
Key approaches to RA / grouping of respondents
23 Companies (experience using OiRA in the past, currently or, at least, they have lauchned their first RA with the tool)
3 Intermediaries
Other approaches
6 Other interactive tools (Aquiline +, Previsoft, SAP, Phytagore, Qualnet, Animes and SIGMA)
9 Traditional approaches (Excel tables and manuals on RA or external services)
Key findings about OiRA
- Fulfills its role of increasing systematic RA among MSEs
- Popular among companies that either had no systematic RA approach before or used Excel tables
- Highly appreciated and recommended by its users
- Practical, user-friendly, intuitive and manageable
- Offers an action plan which strengthens commitment;
- Enhances involvement of employees in RA, helps streamline OSH discussions and supports transparency at the companies
- Helps companies consider new risks and new aspects of OSH
“The tool is very useful and went even beyond the company’s needs because we didn’t think to have a follow-up report / action plan at the end of the RA when we started. It went beyond our expectations”.
Manager, optician
Comparative findings
Motivation to carry out RA
OiRA users
- Need for compliance with legal requirements on OSH
- Visible desire to ensure safety, health and well-being of employees
- Compliance with legal requirements, followed by the need to care for the health, safety and well-being of employees
- Other software: Need to avoid accidents and ensure safety of employees
Understanding of OSH/RA
OiRA users
- Very good and clear
- Not entirely clear, sometimes mistaken for fire drills only, sometimes not clearly separated from overall business management
Involvement of employees in RA
Involvement of employees in RA
OiRA users
- Strong and diversified
- Limited and challenging
How companies find out about OiRA?
Sources of information
- Word of mouth / recommendation from colleagues
- General Internet search
- Trade union
- INRS website (National Research and Safety Institute and french OiRA partner)
- Suggestion from OSH expert
What does OiRA replace?
- It was the first RA experience for many companies
- Replaces Excel sheet
“I started off searching for information and, as I came across the website, I instantaneously got drawn to it. I started looking at the process, and I went further and further into it. It was very intuitive, relevant, and engaging […] So it seemed logical just to continue filling it in, even though I initially didn’t envisage completing it that day”.
Co-owner, restaurant
“Excel sheets weren’t bad but dematerialized digital tools are better because they avoid mistakes. When we were working on Excel sheets, we had to add risks and measures on our own and do the whole research work, so it was easy to forget about something. Besides, some Excel sheets do not apply to our sector whereas OiRA is adapted to our activity.”
Manager, e-commerce
What do users think of OiRA?
Very intuitive, easy to navigate, with simple and accessible language; only few hours to learn it
“There is the main thread, and we see all the sections. There are possibilities to add remarks […] so it’s dynamic. You learn by using the tool so it’s easy to understand it”.
Manager, transport sector
Provides a good structure and makes RA manageable
“It’s a really good tool. It also makes you think about things. For example there was a question about whether we own a lift. We do not, but it made me think about other things such as the staircase or the ramp etc. It makes you think about other possible scenarios, it ́s not a tick-box situation”.
Co-owner, restaurant
Possibility of re-visiting the tool is appreciated, saving the work that was done for later
- Companies would use it during labour inspectorate visit as proof of a completed RA
- The fact that tailored risks can be added is highly valued
- Action plan is highly appreciated as a good structure for follow up work on health and safety
- OiRA is said to raise awareness among employees
- Legitimacy coming from INRS makes OiRA trustworthy
“I think the tool has seduced people who use it and employees who see the implementation of an effective and credible action plan.”
Manager, logistics and transport
“The INRS has the stamp of the French government which shows a certain seriousness and credibility. The fact of having the support of the government adds confidence to the tool.”
Manager, IT sector
Involving employees
- Involving employees is reported by many as a need but also a challenge (due to reported low interest and low awareness)
- OiRA users report greater involvement of employees than other two groups
- OiRA helps ‘spread the word’ about OSH and RA in the company, helps accountability
- Employees are not often involved in working with the tool directly but consulted based on printed risk list. OiRA reports and action plans are often printed and shared with the employees
“It took three months to complete the RA. That’s a long time, but you need people to get involved, this included going back to the shop floor. The software is quick, but you need people not only to participate, but also to respect the rules. OiRA works well as a psychological tool more than anything else. It favors compliance on the part of employees. […] We printed completed OiRA. This is very important for the employees to be aware of and respect it.”
Accountant, waste management sector
Action Plan in OiRA
- Helps accountability
- Corresponding well to the identified risks and circumstances
- Motivational value
- Good reminder, ensuring ongoing work on OSH
- Implementing some measures is a challenge
- Can be further tailored which is an asset
“Seeing the action plan displayed, visualizing it and seeing the progress is much more motivating for the whole team. […] it is very good, but it could be a little more personalized to our profession”.
Manager, optician.
What users would like to see improved / further developed?
Clear message:
- Adding new features such as ‘near miss’, regulatory updates, certificate of completion (for labour inspectors), chat option
- Personalised ‘human’ support: somebody to verify if company’s perception of risks is correct
Not conclusive from the study:
- Layout: some appreciate simplicity, others call for more engaging interface
- Level of detail: some think the questions and measures very well reflect circumstances, others recommend more tailoring, some call for less detail
“A good idea would be to have a personalized follow- up, for example a person in charge of the inspection of the site who could answer questions and propose recommendations according to the company’s context.”
Accountant, accountancy services
Conclusions and key pointers
- OiRA should continue being advertised as a tool best suited to SMEs, especially those at the very beginning of their systematic RA processes. Highlighting tool’s user-friendliness, intuitive approach and possibility to structure the RA process in a time-saving and sector-specific manner helps to engage new companies.
- Promoting the fact that OiRA is developed and/or endorsed by national public authorities which enhances the tool’s legitimacy and appeal and is seen as a guarantee of the quality and respectability of the software.
- Highlighting the fact that OiRA tools are developed in close collaboration with the social and industry partners and, as such, reflect well the circumstances of different sectors is key to promoting the tool as context specific, not generic.
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